Module document

The document module contains two classes: document and page. A document consists of one or several pages.

Class page

A page is a thin wrapper around a canvas, which defines some additional properties of the page.

class, pagename=None, paperformat=None, rotated=0, centered=1, fittosize=0, margin=1 * unit.t_cm, bboxenlarge=1 * unit.t_pt, bbox=None)

Construct a new page from the given canvas instance. A string pagename and the paperformat can be defined. See below, for a list of known paper formats. If rotated is set, the output is rotated by 90 degrees on the page. If centered is set, the output is centered on the given paperformat. If fittosize is set, the output is scaled to fill the full page except for a given margin. Normally, the bounding box of the canvas is calculated automatically from the bounding box of its elements. In any case, the bounding box is enlarged on all sides by bboxenlarge. Alternatively, you may specify the bbox manually.

Class document

class document.document(pages=[])

Construct a document consisting of a given list of pages.

A document can be written to a file using one of the following methods:

document.writeEPSfile(file, title=None, stripfonts=True, textaspath=False, meshasbitmap=False, meshasbitmapresolution=300)

Write a single page document to an EPS file or to stdout if file is set to -. title is used as the document title, stripfonts enabled font stripping (removal of unused glyphs), textaspath converts all text to paths instead of using fonts in the output, meshasbitmap converts meshs (like 3d surface plots) to bitmaps (to reduce complexity in the output) and meshasbitmapresolution is the resolution of this conversion in dots per inch.

document.writePSfile(file, writebbox=False, title=None, stripfonts=True, textaspath=False, meshasbitmap=False, meshasbitmapresolution=300)

Write document to a PS file or to to stdout if file is set to -. writebbox add the page bounding boxes to the output. All other parameters are identical to the writeEPSfile() method.

document.writePDFfile(file, title=None, author=None, subject=None, keywords=None, fullscreen=False, writebbox=False, compress=True, compresslevel=6, stripfonts=True, textaspath=False, meshasbitmap=False, meshasbitmapresolution=300)

Write document to a PDF file or to stdout if file is set to -. author, subject, and keywords are used for the document author, subject, and keyword information, respectively. fullscreen enabled fullscreen mode when the document is opened, writebbox enables writing of the crop box to each page, compress enables output stream compression and compresslevel sets the compress level to be used (from 1 to 9). All other parameters are identical to the writeEPSfile().

document.writeSVGfile(file, textaspath=True, meshasbitmapresolution=300)

Write document to a SVG file or to stdout if file is set to -. The textaspath and meshasbitmapresolution have the same meaning as in writeEPSfile(). However, not the different default for textaspath due to the missing SVG font support by current browsers. In addition, there is no meshasbitmap flag, as meshs are always stored using bitmaps in SVG.

document.writetofile(filename, *args, **kwargs)

Determine the file type (EPS, PS, PDF, or SVG) from the file extension of filename and call the corresponding write method with the given arguments arg and kwargs.

Class paperformat

class document.paperformat(width, height, name=None)

Define a paperformat with the given width and height and the optional name.

Predefined paperformats are listed in the following table







840 mm

1188 mm


910 mm

1370 mm



594 mm

840 mm



420 mm

594 mm



297 mm

420 mm



210 mm

297 mm



148.5 mm

210 mm



8.5 inch

11 inch



8.5 inch

14 inch